Wednesday 3 August 2016

Mom's Corner: Expensive doesn't mean Ideal

Right now, i feel so mad at myself!

You know those times you tend to buy stuffs and when you hear/see the price, it feels so expensive but you go right ahead to buy it because either you like it or time is not on your side to start looking for something cheaper. And other times you feel it's original and therefore would last longer because it's costly? Well, i have come to realise that it doesn't always turn out that way.
When i was pregnant and it was time for shopping, i was excited. And no, i didn't go overboard out of excitement. All i did was buy every single item on my hospital list and that's my anger right now. The hospital didn't try for me at all. Imagine just using only 20% of all the items i was asked to bring when labour starts. To think the nurse taking us through the ante-natal class said it was compulsory to get every single items on the list else, they would not attend the pregnant lady.
Now that i think of it, how is it possible to carry out such a threat? Well, they say experience is the best teacher; i have definitely learnt that expensive doesn't always mean it's ideal.
A lot of the items i bought didn't last a minute, some weren't even what Baby Kay needed, i ended up buying something way cheaper but was perfectly what he needed at the time.
So tell me, ever bought something you felt was too pricey and at the same time didn't serve it's purpose?

Lots of Love!


  1. Can't agree with this post enough as I can remember buying a pair of shoes in a known boutique for about 3 times the cost of getting it in a local one and it didn't last as much.God's guidance(information, experience and sometimes divine lead) very key here

    1. You are so right, Thank you for stopping by.

  2. dear was a victim of such but experience has taught me not to repeat such mistake. And i also agree with Morris here.i could remember when I was preparing for my wedding I didn't go for a very expensive stuffs, God's guidance n experience worked for me and I got what I needed. Nice piece Oma!

    1. I know right? Weddings are really a tough one. You get a lot of stuffs and end up not using them or even when you do on the wedding day, sfter then it becomes useless. Thank you Ngee.

  3. Very relatable. Expensive really doesn't mean Ideal. I once bragged about my N600 Aba made Sandals. Sometimes the cheaper, the better!

    How is Baby Kay doing? Kisses to him for me. :)

    1. True to that darling.
      Thank you. Baby Kay is doing great.


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