Wednesday 15 April 2015

Foodie Wednesday: Yam and Cat-fish Pepper Soup!

Hello There,

How are we all doing? And the week, how is it coming along?
This morning i remembered one scenario like that from childhood, it should be Easter or Independence day, can't really recall which now. I lived in this neighborhood where everyone lived like one big family, there were lots of sharing, food was on a galore that particular day. You needed to have seen me, i ate like there was no tomorrow. My mum warned me on several occasion to stop but na lie...her warnings flew into the right ear and flew out from the left. Oya fast forward to midnight, while sleeping, come and see me see throwing up. Mummy Dearest helped me cleaned but do you know the next thing she did? hehehehehehehehehehe......your guess i as good as mine!
Why all this story???? I LOVE FOOD....SOOO Much.....*sigh* all these weight watching has caused my love for food to reduce but it hasn't changed my love for cooking.

Recently i craved for yam, but i didn't want the usual yam and egg or yam pottage thingy, then i remembered yam pepper-soup! Gbam... i decided to have me some yam and catfish pepper soup. It was so nice i decided to share with you all, am caring and nice bah?

What you will need

                                                       Yam (cut into chunks)
                       Pepper(i used grounded chilli pepper, you can use atarodo if u so desire), Knorr Seasoning (2 cubes) and Salt to taste
                         Crayfish(grounded), Akanwu, Uda, African Nutmeg(roasted and grounded)
                                                       Scent leaves (chopped)
Palm oil


Wash your fish and set aside
To get a great scent out of your African nutmeg and Uda, roast them a little, then grind and set aside
Put the yam into a pot and pour enough water to cover it
Add onion and a little pepper and boil for 10 minutes
Once it starts boiling, add a tablespoon of palm oil, fish, crayfish, all the spices and more pepper
Cook for another 10 minutes
Once yam is cooked, take it out from the pot, leaving the pepper soup and fish
After a minute or two, turn off heat and take down.
Your yam and catfish is ready to be devoured!

You can serve with palm oil just as i did or without it. The choice is yours!

Try this out, you wouldn't be disappointed. *wink*

P.S: Nothing would give me greater pleasure than knowing your thoughts as well. Your comments are always welcomed....keep them coming! I would always reply, I promise!

Lots of Love,

Monday 13 April 2015

Striving Woman I know!

Hello There,

How was your weekends???? Hope fulfilling. Rested well??? Wishing you all a beautiful week ahead. *kisses*

So i decided to start a series, which we will call Striving Woman I Know (SWIK). Its going to be focusing on young ladies who are trying to create a good name for themselves! Its going to be our own little way of celebrating and encouraging them.
In this world where everybody wants fast cash and are so relaxed, not wanting to strive for but would rather use "other" means in getting them I applaud these ladies! Ladies who know what they want and is going out for it! Kudos to them! Hopefully, this series would be featured every week. If you want to be featured or you know anyone who should be featured, do not hesitate to send us a mail - Thank you.

Our first SWIK is a friend i know from way back in school, Beautiful, Energetic and funny! This is one lady i'd say y'all should meet....No dull moment! Enjoy getting to know her.

Can we meet you?

"My name is Precious Osasogie Nosakhare, am from Edo State,  i'm 24years of age. I graduated from the University of Benin where i read Accounting. So i am an Accountant and a Make-Up Artist as well, i run PKay Makeovers, an upcoming makeover studio situated in Benin but also a freelancer. I live in Benin City, Edo State."

What was growing up like?

"My growing up was okay, to say the least, I had 3squared meal a day,attended a good school."

Who had the greatest influence on you during your childhood?

"My late maternal grand mum had the greatest influence on me."

You are an upcoming MUA, obviuosly very good at what you do, what inspires you?

"What inspires me is seeing the beauty in people,making them unique and standout on my makeup."

When did you decide you wanted to be a MUA?

"Well I decided to be a makeup artist when I was in a production called mercury movies production,when the director of the movie appointed me as a makeup artist,well I was surprised cause I was not really skilled at that time but I love personal makeup,so I actually did okay on the job suprisingly,and a friend of mine(Ifeoma Enyashima)told me"go into makeup professionally I know you will do well"so since that day I had it in mind that someday I will go into it,since I was still in school. After school, just like i promised myself, i went for professional training and that was it."

Is it a full time job for you or???

"As it stands now, it is a full-time job but if and when I get a good job, I think I can handle both."

What one word would you use to describe yourself?


What do you like most about your job as a MUA? What do you like the least?

"It gives me the opportunity of meeting people and in the process learn a thing or two. Am yet to get a negative feeling about my job."

What are you proud of?

"I'm proud of me, of the woman I'm becoming, the world should watch out."

If you could be or do anything else - what????

"Haven't really thought that one out....let' actress.....yes!"

What is the one thing about you that people know?

"The thing people know about me is that I laugh a lot,always smiling,,never a dull moment"

If you are to have dinner with 5 famous people, who would they be?

"Well I would love to have dinner with
Professional Makeup Artists - BM pro and Tara,
Musical Artist - Flavour and 2face,
Nollywood Actress Mercy Johnson Okojie."

Where do you hope to be in 5years?

"Well I would like to go big in my makeup business, and fashion, whereby having models to showcase my work no matter d size you are,being a size 8,10, or 12, partnering with a fashion firm. I would be in a great firm, working, PKay Makeovers,  an international name and also married with two cute boys, by God's Grace"

In two words, what is Life to you?

"Health and God'sGrace"

How do we contact you?

"My contact details are
Mobile - 08117628030
Instagram - @pkaysmakeover

Thank you for your time!

"You are most welcome and thank you for having me"

Lots Of Love, 

Saturday 11 April 2015


Hello lovelies!

How is it going with you all? How is the election coming up at your end? Its funny how family ties would make us to vote for the wrong(self opinion) person. My friend Jay said she is voting for one of her father's relation even though she knows the man has definitely got nothing to offer. Sentiments is the order of the day in today's politics/democracy. Well, i aint voting not because i do not want to but am unavoidably not around to be able to cast my precious vote. So, whatever happens, may the best man win.....i sha know my uncle is the best man for DTHA Ukwuani constituency! *winks*

When i was growing up (am still growing oh), i always get excited when people say "Oma you are getting dark o", they usually don't say this as a compliment but outta concern, but guess what....i see it as a compliment. When they turn around to say "Oma, what cream are you using, you are glowing" need to see me, it would be like i lost a visa lottery *i always mistake glowing for being light-skin*.

The mere thought of being a light-skinned girl use to give me the creeps. Ah...i don't think i could have been able to deal with it. Don't get me wrong, i love my light-skinned sisters & bruvs.......

Everyone of one us is beautiful in our own skin, so why want to alter it? When i stumbled on the Fifthyshadesofblack IG, i couldn't help but admire these ladies effort to bring back the self love of a lot of young ladies out there. Truth be told, a lot of us have lost our self esteem due to our skin colour. I was just fortunate to have loved mine. Thanks to God and my momma who just didnt get enough from pampering my beautiful skin...yes i have got beautiful skin. Just look at this gorgeous babes....




i mean, their skins are *insert your word*

Let's all love our skins, there is this freedom and confidence that comes with such self love and just in time *the radio station just started playing "am sexy and i know it"*

P.S: Nothing would give me greater pleasure than knowing your thoughts as well. Your comments are always welcomed....keep them coming! I would always reply, i promise!

Lots of Love,

Versatile blogger Award

Hi There,

It's been like forrrrrreeeeeeevvvvvvuuuuurrrrrr! How did this happen???? Four months???? Where have i been???? lol..... I have been super busy...Life was happening, i had no time at all....but not to worry, am here now. Taking it up from where we left! I promise i won't go for this long ever again! Across my nkpuluobi.....God help me!
How are you doing by the way? How was the Xmas, New Year, Valentine, 1st Election, Easter, and today's election? Did i miss out on any one? Please let me know, okay? Thank you.
This post is long overdue but anyways, i have to stil.....

So i got my first nomination as a blogger. Sogie nominated me for the versatile blogger award.
Am really excited about it...really. Thanks Sogie..*hugging you still*

Thank the person who gave you this award.
Include a link to their blog.
Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you have recently discovered or follow regularly.
Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile blogger Award(you might include a link to VBA site.)
Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

I am going to be nominating everyone of you bloggers reading this post especially you who is yet to get this nomination. Yes, You!

Okay.....7 things about me
1. I hate trends....especially when it revolves round fashion
2. I am a very loyal friend
3. I talk alot and at the same time very quiet *grins*
4. I hate anything pink (it gives me this idea of feminine softness)
5. I am a sucker for palm oil rice cocoction
6. I love all things Green!
7. Things you'd think would get me angry doesn't and those you think i will get mad over, i do not........complicated right?

wheeeeewwwwwww..... i actually thought twas gonna be easy peasy naming 7 stuffs....

P.S: Nothing would give me greater pleasure than knowing your thoughts as well. Your comments are always welcomed....keep them coming! I would always reply, i promise!

Lots of Love!