Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Mom's Corner

Hola! Como estan? I need to up my spanish speaking game! I need to be able to say "how are you doing?", "what is your name?", favorite movies and the likes. Does anyone know how to say "how has your week been?".Please let me know at the comment section!

I put to bed on the 1st of June, 2016 to a cute king!  And since then my world has experienced matchless joy. I have smiled, laughed, cussed and of course cried. Yes o, in as much as i am excited about the birth of my son, i have cried. The first few weeks was tiring and overwhelming for me. Baby Kay was always wanting to be cuddled, still does. Day time, he is awake. Night? Still awake. I would breastfeed him, hoping he would go to sleep and yes he would but the moment i drop him in his cot, his eyes are wide open again. Ha, this child of mine! Most times i get so overwhelmed with my emotions that i will start crying. But thankfully, this past night he slept all through! Can someone shout Halleluyah!!! I pray and hope this trend continues.

Baby Kay

Being a mom is great! Knowing you are responsible for someone. Like you will be held accountable. The feeling is not something one can explain. I had a tough pregnancy, a    painless contractions until the doctors decided to change it for me by inducing me all in the name of wanting the labour to be fast. I saw pain in all it's embodiments. But all that is of no importance now. People say when you give birth, you forget about the pain of childbearing but i do not think it's true. You do not forget, i did not! Infact i remember it vividly and it always play back in my head and each time it does, i shiver. No one forgets, it just doesn't matter anymore.
It's been 8weeks since Baby Kay came into this world and i have been blessed being his mom! Our journey has just started! Stay tuned with us and please give us tips on how to make this work.
Being a mom is a job you learn on the go. I do not want to make avoidable mistakes.

Lots of Love,


  1. Yay! Congratulations Oma! Welcome Kay! He is so cute! June babies rock!


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