Monday 13 October 2014


Life is filled with different persons.....personality wise. When you meet some persons, you cant help but fall in love with their personality. I have a weird personality(yep, i admit). Sometimes i get worried. Now let me tell you a little bit of myself. as time goes on, we would know more and discover others, cos everyday i discover more of myself. Knowing oneself is a learning process.

My name is OMA JOE, Oma is an unusual short form from my birth name and Joe my biological father's name which by the way i love only because its Jesus' earthly father's name (i digress). That is a part of me i don't so much admire; Digression! I always say i would try not to. Maybe i should make a mental note of it, that way i might just reduce it to the barest minimum. Now unto my personality.
I love people a lot, yet i do not know how to approach or be around them (have got phobia for crowd). The word shy was discovered only after i was given birth to....i am shy in the very word shy. I love large families though i don't intend to make one biologically. I wish i had more siblings from same parents maybe i wouldn't have been a shy girl and not live life in my head. I can displease myself for those i really don't care much about just to please them but wont readily do that for those i care about(WEIRD!!!!!!). I hate profiling no wonder, during interviews, i dread the question "tell me about/describe yourself". Each time i think of my wealth, i see large communities of people beaming with smiles. The mere thought of people benefiting from my wealth is the drive i get to want to make money.
I have never really told anyone these about myself and i wonder why seeing there is nothing not to have said. This blog will chronicle my life, achievements, failures my family, friends, their businesses and everything in between. I might not be a fantastic writer but i would be truthful with my posts. Welcome to my world, i would try to make it fun for you all. The journey has began, lets see how far it goes.

Lots Of Love,


  1. Welcome to the blogging world.. hope to see more posts :)

  2. Welcome to the blogosphere....i need to change what I see when I see my wealth....yours seem so honorable.

  3. Thanks Sogie! Honourable???? Nice...never thought of it that way.....

  4. Welcome to blogsville mami....need to sing you the welcome song but mehn my voice aint half as good as Beyoncé. Welcome dear

    1. Lol! Sing sure your voice cant be as bad as my village choir need to hear that man sing, swty you will be proud of your voice.


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