Monday, 5 September 2016

Motivation Monday: I Started Because

Hello Everyone,

How was our weekend? Fun-filled? Work-filled? or Rest-filled? Mine was work-filled, emphasis on work. Anyways, it's a beautiful week, so let us make the best out of it, yea.

You know sometimes in life, it might seem like all we are doing is never enough and that discourages a lot of people. You are seeking for employment, its not coming forth, you go into business and it's like you had more money when you started out, you start a voluntary work and everyday you get frustrated from it. And suddenly you decide; I want to quit.
Just two words for you this morning; DO NOT!
Always remember why you started something whenever the thought of quitting creeps in. If there is no purpose for a cause, then yes, by all means, do quit because you will only be going in circles.

Be the best you,

1 comment:

Nothing would give me greater pleasure than knowing your thoughts as well. Your comments are always welcomed....keep them coming! I would always reply, i promise